The combination of a cultivator with a mulch harrow ComboTill is utilized throughout the growing season. In spring, it loosens and dries the soil post-winter and facilitates pre-sowing cultivation. In summer, post-harvest, it is employed for shallow stubble pulling and the mechanical destruction of volunteer plants and weeds, serving as an alternative to herbicides. In autumn, it is used for soil dressing or pre-sowing cultivation. ComboTill aligns with ultra-shallow stubble cultivation, designed to quickly stimulate the emergence of numerous volunteer plants, thereby improving results at lower costs. Operating in accordance with plant biology reduces costs related to chemical agents and enhances field hygiene.

Ultra-shallow cultivation
Saving time and money through cultivation without a roller
ComboTill, compared to a traditional cultivator, doubles the rate of soil processing. Fuel consumption per hectare can be reduced by up to half. Traditional cultivators require heavy rollers to achieve expected results, consuming significant fuel and power to process large soil masses. Crushing and re-compacting the soil with rollers necessitates additional traction force, thus more fuel. Without surface clods, no rollers are needed to break them. ComboTill, with a 5-meter working width, requires similar traction force to a 3-meter traditional cultivator with a roller. ComboTill saves maneuvering time on headlands, reducing tractor use. Its even and finely crumbled soil processing lowers cultivation costs.

Highly efficient stubble processing and stimulation of germination of self-seeded cereals
In the initial pass, which involves uniformly processing the stubble to a depth of 3 to 5 cm, evaporation is interrupted. This process generates a finely lumpy soil structure and shallowly integrates the straw with the soil, establishing favorable cultivation conditions. The harrow distributes the straw very evenly, thereby displacing self-sown grain and weed seeds and gently mixing them into the soil. The microclimate under the straw cover retains soil moisture, creating ideal conditions for the germination and full development of undesirable crops, which are effectively eliminated in the subsequent pre-sowing treatment. ComboTill is a versatile device suitable for various year-round applications, such as seedbed preparation, stubble cultivation, natural fertilizer work, or mechanical weed control. Available working widths range from 3 to 6 meters.

Machine construction
1. Rear LED lighting beam
2. Support wheels with adjustable working depth function
3. Three-point linkage
4. Working elements
5. Goosefoot 200 mm
6. Rear mulch sections
7. Adjusting the angle of the mulching section
8. Adjusting the depth of the mulching section
9. PREMIUM working elements
10. Solid oversized machine frame
11. Quality steel
12. Laser processing of sheets, tubes, and profiles
13. Steel shot blasting and powder coating

- Four rows of cultivating tines SW tine 70x12 mm for pre-sowing and tillage works. The SW tine is ended with a pre-sowing coulter, optionally a goosefoot stubble coulter. Behind the tines are three rows of mulch sections equipped with double rods 16 x 750 mm (from SpringExpert machine) with hydraulic adjustment of working depth.
- Goosefoot to SW tine 200 mm
- WzTine strengthening SW
- Mechanically adjustable support wheel located behind the cultivator section
- Hydraulic front and rear support wheels controlled synchronously
- Rear beam with LED lighting + front reflective plates
- Rear beam with LED lighting + front beam with LED lighting
- Rear LED lighting beam
- Hydraulic adjustment of the working angle of the mulching section
- Delimbe aftercrop seeder
- APV aftercrop seeder
Most frequently chosen accessories

Cultivation tools

Cultivation tines
Rolmako ComboTill is a mounted cultivator with low power requirements, featuring SW 70 x 12 mm tines arranged in four rows for varied cultivation depth. Flexible narrow coulters intensively loosen the soil. The chisels are elastically mounted on the frame and freely deflect upon encountering obstacles. SW is a spring tine with high vibration capacity, ideal for intensive mixing and crumbling of the soil. The standard straight coulter can be replaced with a 200 mm wide goosefoot. The narrow coulter effectively breaks up and mixes the soil, creating a fine surface structure, resulting in excellent work performance with relatively less fuel consumption. For complete cutting of weed roots in one pass, a goosefoot coulter can be equipped, making the machine effective with crop residues.

Rear mulching section
The mulch harrow is mounted in place of the consolidating roller. The working depth is maintained by the front and rear support wheels of the cultivator or solely by the rear ones, depending on the equipment version. The harrow is suspended on a parallelogram, and its pressure on the soil can be adjusted hydraulically from the tractor cab. The angle of the tines is adjusted mechanically or optionally hydraulically. After the cultivator has passed and the weeds have been cut over the entire working width, the harrow tines pull them to the soil surface, where they die under sunlight. This technique is suitable for all types of weeds, as the root system may tend to survive if crushed by a tillage roller instead of a finger harrow. The height and inclination of the harrow can be adjusted based on working conditions and expected effects. The harrow section can be used to stretch straw, eliminate weeds, level the ground, and crush clods and crusts.

Adjusting the working depth of the mulching section
Mechanical depth adjustment
- Adjustment is achieved by extending the adjustment link of the rear support wheels and securing its position by moving the adjustment clips.
Hydraulic depth adjustment
– Adjustment is achieved by sliding the hydraulic cylinder piston in or out and securing the set position with adjustment clips.

Setting the mulching section angle of attack
Mechanical adjustment
- The spring angle of attack is manually adjusted by tilting the handle and securing its position with a pin. The height of the mulching section is hydraulically adjusted by extending the hydraulic piston and locking the set position with an adjustment clip.
Hydraulic adjustment
- The angle of attack of the springs is adjusted hydraulically by extending the hydraulic piston and locking the set position with adjustment clips. The height of the mulching section is adjusted hydraulically by extending the hydraulic piston and locking the set position with an adjustment clip. This is an effective solution for varying cultivation conditions across different fields.

APV aftercrop seeder
We equip our cultivation machines with catch crop seeders in cooperation with specialists from APV, who offer a wide range of catch crop and fertilizer seeders. The entire range of products and available accessories can be found on the manufacturer's website ( By utilizing APV catch crop seeders on Rolmako cultivation machines, unnecessary travel is reduced. APV devices ensure the precise spreading of catch crops and subsowing, even in the smallest doses.

The primary properties

Concept of the ComboTill
- High efficiency and quality of work
- Modular design allowing for unit expansion
- High machine throughput
- Four parallel beams with working elements
- Combination of all tools for pre-sowing and stubble cultivation in one machine
- Support wheels with hydraulic control of working depth ensure comfort and desired outcomes
- Low power demand and fuel consumption
- Easy maneuvering on headlands
- Mulching comb instead of a roller
- Minimal soil processing to achieve desired effects
- Strong tines secured with a spring
- Minimal adjustment points.

Ultra-shallow cultivation
The challenges posed to farmers by the changing climate and the new EU Common Agricultural Policy guidelines have led to the increasing popularity of ultra-shallow cultivation tools in Poland. Rolmako is adapting to these new conditions by offering a comprehensive range of soil cultivation machines. Every unwanted plant in the field represents a loss of valuable water, which is crucial during dry seasons. As crops increasingly suffer from drought, it is essential to prevent plantation overgrowth. Weeds and volunteers plants compete for water, light, space, and nutrients. Limiting their presence should be a priority from the moment of harvesting the previous crop. Failure to provoke early weed germination will result in serious issues for the next crop. When using ComboTill, rapeseed and weed seeds germinate quickly due to their shallow placement in the soil, typically at a depth of 2-5 cm. With an ultra-shallow cultivation depth, only about 25% of crop residues are covered, leaving uncovered residues to protect the soil surface. The germination of volunteer and weed seeds can be eradicated in subsequent mechanical treatments. This approach adheres to traditional, proven methods and results in reduced use of chemical plant protection agents while promoting integrated protection methods. Machines designed for ultra-shallow cultivation are gaining popularity among farmers, including those employing no-plough technology.

Support wheels
The machine lacks a tillage roller. The tractor lift or optional support wheels set the working depth of the cultivator tines. The mulching harrow has independent depth and angle of attack adjustments. Mechanically adjustable wheels are positioned behind the cultivator section in front of the mulching harrow fingers, with 2 pcs. in the rigid version and 4 pcs. in the hydraulically folded version. The front and rear support wheels, controlled by a pressure piston, are connected synchronously.

Various configurations available
Extensive export experience has enabled us to craft an offer aligned with customer expectations. Numerous configurations and additional agricultural equipment options allow us to adapt the device to specific field conditions. Years of dedicated efforts by Rolmako employees in enhancing the company's products ensure we deliver the highest quality products to the most remote regions, where they have proven effective in diverse soil systems.

Dyszel hydrauliczny
Brona talerzowa wyposażona w opcjonalny hydrauliczny dyszel posiada dodatkową funkcję umożliwiającą szybkie i łagodne zawracanie na polu z wykorzystaniem przeznaczonych do tego celu wałów uprawowych bez konieczności użycia kół jezdnych maszyny. Hydrauliczny dyszel z uchem na dolny zaczep ciągnika ułatwia połączenie z ciągnikiem, wpływa na zwiększenie docisku każdego talerza oraz daje dużą stabilność podczas pracy uprawowej oraz w trakcie przejazdów na pole. Opcjonalny dyszel zakończony jest okiem fi 50 lub zaczepem kulowym K80 firmy Scharmüller. Opcjonalny dyszel z okiem fi 50 daje bardzo bliskie umocowanie obok i poniżej osi tylnej traktora. Gwarantuje bardzo korzystny punkt pociągowy oraz lepsze przekazanie energii.

Steel offering a competitive advantage
Increasingly larger and more powerful agricultural tractors subject the structural elements of agricultural machinery to significant stress, pushing them to their operational limits. Modern agricultural structures are expected to demonstrate high resistance to loads and an extended service life. Achieving a high-quality end product necessitates the use of superior-quality steel in production. Accordingly, we utilize high-quality Swedish fine-grained steels S500MC and S700MC, as well as carbon and boron steels for heat treatment and the wear-resistant Hardox. The use of these high-quality steel products ensures our agricultural equipment is highly durable and capable of operating at high speeds with high surface efficiency.

Oversized agricultural structures
Rolmako tillage machines distinguish themselves from competitors due to their superior weight. The company's development team designs agricultural equipment to endure the most challenging working conditions. Rolmako machines efficiently cultivate land in demanding regions worldwide without requiring additional loads. The substantial amount of steel in their construction makes these tillage tools robust, enabling the utilization of high-power modern tractors and ensuring long-term farm investment.

Wózek LongSmart
Wymagania nowoczesnego rolnictwa, ciągniki rolnicze o dużej mocy, coraz krótsze terminy agrotechniczne zmuszają producentów maszyn uprawowych do projektowania urządzeń, których potencjał będzie mógł być wykorzystany w 100 %.System transportowy Long Smart jest kompatybilny ze wszystkimi wałami uprawowymi dostępnymi na liście wyposażenia dodatkowego dla brony talerzowej U 693. Składanie i rozkładanie wózka odbywa się za pośrednictwem dwóch cylindrów hydraulicznych.Pozycja transportowa niewiele różni się od pozostałych wózków dostępnych w ofercie. Różnice pojawiają się w pozycji roboczej, w której koła składają się w kierunku ciągnika, a cała masa wózka znajduje się nad elementami roboczymi kompaktowej brony talerzowej U 693. Korzyści płynące z tego rozwiązania to większy docisk do gleby każdego talerza, płynniejsza i bardziej stabilna praca oraz możliwość pracy z większymi prędkościami roboczymi.
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