The ActiVAgro weeder is a versatile unit used not only for standard crops but also for the maintenance of grasslands. It serves as an excellent alternative to chemical weed control. The primary function of the harrow is to minimize weed presence and break up surface crust. The ActiVAgro is also effective for harrowing freshly sown areas before the plants enter the emergence phase. Weeds can be removed immediately after growth or even earlier, during the germination phase, where they dry out and die when left on the soil surface. The weeder features standard hydraulic frame folding, which adapts to the terrain during operation, ensuring even pressure distribution. The angle of the harrow tines can be adjusted mechanically or hydraulically from the tractor cabin using actuators. This design ensures consistent performance across each working section of the harrow.

The ideal alternative to chemical weed control
A single device applicable to various crop types
The primary function of the weeder is to rake turf and eliminate molehills in meadows. This tool is highly effective in eradicating weeds in cereals and legumes. It is applicable to various crops, including rapeseed, other cereals, vegetables, corn, sugar beets, potatoes, soybeans, peas, pumpkins, grasslands, and meadows. With extended working widths, the weeder excels in adapting to ground conditions and ensuring smooth operation. The machine is designed to provide specific benefits, such as reduced chemical usage, improved conditions for plant growth, and weed protection. Additionally, it aerates the soil, which is vital for optimal plant growth. The substantial working width enhances efficiency. The device can also be equipped with an APV catch crop seeder with either a pneumatic or hydraulic blower.

Designed for durability and comfort
Available working widths range from 6.00 m to 12.00 m. None of the versions exceed 3 m transport width due to the hydraulic scissor arm folding system, allowing maximum reduction of transport width and height. The device is mounted on a 3-point suspension system. Each working section is 1.5 m wide and consists of 48 tines arranged in 6 rows. The weeder is constructed on a solid frame, with each working part mounted individually on a swing arm. This design effectively mirrors the terrain. The machine enables the destruction of weeds at an early development stage through specially profiled spring working elements.
Machine construction
1. Rear LED lighting beam
2. Three-point linkage
3. Supporting wheels
4. Working elements
5. Spring Cover
6. Rear levelling scrapers
7. Adjusting the spring angle
8. Spring working depth
9. Support legs
10. PREMIUM working elements
11. Solid oversized machine frame
12. Quality steel
13. Laser processing of sheets, tubes, and profiles
14. Steel shot blasting and powder coating
- Wheels for adjusting the machine's working height, additional supporting wheels (version 9.0 m and 12.0 m), 6 rows of individual tines with a diameter of 7 mm, mechanical adjustment of the tine operation angle, mechanical lock of arms used during transport, and supports used when parked.
- 8 mm springs
- Hydraulic adjustment of the springs
- Levelling scrapers
- Supporting wheels
- Rear LED lighting beam
- APV aftercrop seeder
Most frequently chosen accessories

Cultivation tools

Cultivation tines
All tasks are performed by 7 mm (optionally 8 mm) spring tines arranged in 6 rows. The spacing between the tines is optimized through extensive testing in various soil conditions and different crops. This ensures consistent cultivation intensity across the entire working width and between rows. When using the ActiVAgro harrow, achieving uniform weeding was prioritized. An optimal vibration effect is achieved through the triple coiling of the spring. Lateral vibration of the tines combined with driving speed results in comprehensive processing. The extended tip of the harrow tine prolongs its service life. The optimized bending angle of the working element ensures effective weed elimination and crust breaking during harrowing. These tines have also proven effective in different crops, as the longer tines adapt better to uneven soil.
The primary properties

Mechanical weeding
With the advent of herbicides, it was anticipated that mechanical methods of weed control would decline in popularity. However, this did not occur, as some farmers consciously and voluntarily chose to forgo chemicals in their fields, opting instead for proven mechanical methods. Interest in weeders is not limited to organic farmers. The withdrawal of certain herbicides has also increased interest among conventional farmers. Currently, an increasing number of growers, including traditional ones, are turning to mechanical weeding for their crops. Consequently, Rolmako has introduced ActiVAgro to the market—a weeder in a new version. The decline of active substances, issues with the availability of plant protection products, and rising costs have led agricultural producers to increasingly adopt alternative, mechanical methods of weed control. The ActiVAgro weeder is a user-friendly and durable tool that meets the modern farmer's requirements for efficient weeding of both cereals and grass fields.

ActiVAgro weeder concept:
- Precise weeding technology with extensive versatility
- Customizable harrow adaptation to each field and spring pressure to terrain contours
- Working width ranging from 6.0 m to 12 m
- High efficiency and quality of work
- Ideal weeder design for uneven fields
- High machine throughput
- Precisely controlled working depth with hydraulic tine adjustment, perfect for sensitive crops
- Optimized tine bending angle enhances harrowing efficiency
- Six parallel beams with working elements
- Support wheels ensuring comfort and consistent work quality
- Balanced distribution of weight and pressure force across the entire working width
- Low power requirement and fuel consumption
- Easy maneuvering on headlands
- Minimal soil processing to achieve desired outcomes
- Durable spring tines capable of intensive soil processing
- Minimal numbers of adjustment points.

Advantages of the ActiVAgro Weeder:
- Smooth operation due to compact design
- Innovative spring system
- Hydraulic adjustment of tine pressure
- Consistent tine pressure across the entire width
- Swing axle compensates for uneven terrain, floating working sections follow the field's shape
- Elongated hole on upper link attachment ensures ground adjustment on hilly fields
- Precise sowing with a catch crop seeder and simultaneous weeding
- Long-lasting working element, extended service life
- Crop protection
- Support wheels prevent spring tines from sinking too deeply
- Tines maintain desired depth even in very light soil
- Quick and easy replacement of working elements.

Spring adjustment
Individually attached fingers can be adapted to any type of crop through an adjustable angle of attack. The standard mechanical adjustment of the working spring angle can be replaced with a convenient hydraulic setting. The ActiVAgro weeder's working sections have been divided into 1.5 m modules, each equipped with 48 springs. Each swing frame with springs is set separately, and for larger working widths, it is useful to hydraulically adjust the angle of inclination of the spring fingers. Both mechanical and hydraulic adjustments of working elements allow for the correct setting of the tines mounted on the swinging frames.

Supporting wheels
The ActiVAgro weeder support wheels provide stability and precise guidance during field operations, ensuring uniform weed removal. Adjustable wheel height allows adaptation to diverse soil and plant conditions, enhancing efficiency. The robust design minimizes the risk of damage, even under intensive use in challenging terrain.

Wał oponowo-transportowy
Niezależne podwozie może zostać zastąpione przez wał oponowy. Dzięki temu rozwiązaniu znacząco skrócono długość maszyny. Efektem jest lepsza skrętność agregatu. Wał oponowo-transportowy dzięki dużej średnicy i doskonałych właściwościach tocznych swobodnie pracuje na luźnej glebie dbając o odpowiednie do wymagań równomierne i głębokie ugniatanie gleby przed siew. Solidne koła o bieżniku ciągnikowym są niewrażliwe na zakamienione warunki oraz umożliwiają bezproblemową pracę w wilgotnych warunkach. Głównym celem pracy wału oponowego jest zagęszczenie gleby poprawiające podsiąkanie wody glebowej. Jezdny wał oponowo-transportowy dostępny jest dla maszyn w wersji z ramą sztywną. Tak skonfigurowana maszyna wyposażona w sprzęg do siewnika tworzy ekonomiczny zintegrowany zestaw uprawowo-siewny.

Hydrauliczna regulacja głębokości
Hydrauliczna regulacja głębokości zapewnia optymalny komfort użytkowania oraz znacznie ułatwia czynności związane z ustawieniem tego parametru pracy. Łatwa i przyjazna dla operatora hydrauliczna regulacja głębokości pracy jest przeprowadzana za pomocą dystansowych klipsów na siłownikach. Wybór tej opcji jest uzasadniony gdy wymagana jest częsta zmiana głębokości pracy elementów roboczych maszyny.

Zespoły łożyskowe wału
Wprowadzeniem bezobsługowych łożysk do wałów uprawowych realizujemy ważną koncepcję zmniejszenia czasu potrzebnego do konserwacji maszyny do minimum. Obudowa wykonana z żeliwa sferoidalnego, ma 4 razy większą wytrzymałość od tej wykonanej z żeliwa szarego. Unikalna kombinacja uszczelnienia od góry oraz od wewnątrz jest obecnie najlepszym tego typu zabezpieczeniem do zastosowania w rolnictwie. Firma Rolmako przy każdym projekcie zwraca szczególną uwagę na najdrobniejsze elementy maszyn, które podczas eksploatacji mają znaczący wpływ na ilość czasu potrzebnego na konserwację, aby ograniczyć koszty i czas jaki trzeba poświęcić na przeglądy urządzeń rolniczych.

Various configurations available
Extensive export experience has enabled us to craft an offer aligned with customer expectations. Numerous configurations and additional agricultural equipment options allow us to adapt the device to specific field conditions. Years of dedicated efforts by Rolmako employees in enhancing the company's products ensure we deliver the highest quality products to the most remote regions, where they have proven effective in diverse soil systems.

Steel offering a competitive advantage
Increasingly larger and more powerful agricultural tractors subject the structural elements of agricultural machinery to significant stress, pushing them to their operational limits. Modern agricultural structures are expected to demonstrate high resistance to loads and an extended service life. Achieving a high-quality end product necessitates the use of superior-quality steel in production. Accordingly, we utilize high-quality Swedish fine-grained steels S500MC and S700MC, as well as carbon and boron steels for heat treatment and the wear-resistant Hardox. The use of these high-quality steel products ensures our agricultural equipment is highly durable and capable of operating at high speeds with high surface efficiency.

Oversized agricultural structures
Rolmako tillage machines distinguish themselves from competitors due to their superior weight. The company's development team designs agricultural equipment to endure the most challenging working conditions. Rolmako machines efficiently cultivate land in demanding regions worldwide without requiring additional loads. The substantial amount of steel in their construction makes these tillage tools robust, enabling the utilization of high-power modern tractors and ensuring long-term farm investment.